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Agilent Life Sciences 993086
Sensor Reed SUNX GX-F12A Unloading Omnis
Open Market / 16 Weeks
Agilent Life Sciences G9459F
SureGuide Mouse CRISPRa - Stress/Proteo
Agilent Life Sciences GA60761-2
FLX Mab aHu NeurofProt cl 2F11 RTU Omnis
Agilent Life Sciences 8010-1373
Needle for 25uL syringe 22/85/F
Agilent Life Sciences 8010-1378
Needle for 25uL syringe 22S/57/F
Agilent Life Sciences 8010-1395
Needle for 10ml syringe 22/57/F
Agilent Life Sciences 8010-1400
Needle for 10ml syringe 19/85/F
Agilent Life Sciences 493001360F
MGC BF CHA 10m MS5A UnI, FieldI
Agilent Life Sciences 494001360F
MGC BF CHA 10m MS5A HI, FieldI
Agilent Life Sciences 993130
Fuse Kit f Instrument Om
Agilent Life Sciences 492001420F
MGC CHA 4m 52CB HI, FieldI
Agilent Life Sciences 492003130F
MGC CHA 10m PBQ HI, FieldI
Agilent Life Sciences F011702-2
Rb a Hu Albumin/FITC
Agilent Life Sciences F020102-2
Rb a Hu C3c Complement/FITC
Agilent Life Sciences F026102-2
Rb a Mo Immunoglobulins/FITC
Agilent Life Sciences R007000502
Seal Retainer,F/Frit,10mm Col, Ti
Agilent Life Sciences PSM-101-F
FDA pesticide LC no. 1
Agilent Life Sciences 991185
FAN f Mini PC 50x50x10
Agilent Life Sciences 8003-0828
Nebulizer assy, SS, f/PinAAcle
Agilent Life Sciences 8003-0860
Impact Bead f/Hi-Sens Neb w/Pt-Ir Capil
Agilent Life Sciences 993251
X-Axis Belt f Motor DC
Agilent Life Sciences FLPK-005F
Valeric acid
Agilent Life Sciences 19091F-115-INT
HP-FFAP 50m, 0.32mm, 0.5um, Intuvo
Agilent Life Sciences G3505A-204
Dual High Press Inj, F 0.5uL&B 0.06uL
Agilent Life Sciences G3505A-209
Dual High Press Inj, F 1.0uL&B 1.0uL
Agilent Life Sciences M082001-2
Mo a Hu Glycophorin C, cl Ret40f
Agilent Life Sciences HPCK-2F
Halowax 1000 standard
Agilent Life Sciences M725429-2
Mo a Hu CD3, F7.2.38
Agilent Life Sciences G1039F
Maurer-Meyer-Pfleger-Weber MS Library
Agilent Life Sciences 992207
Rub Moulding f Front Door Top Supp Bar
Agilent Life Sciences 992534
SPARE Cable 8 Com 6101-6241 f PCI MCB AS
Agilent Life Sciences SYS-RS-RESLV-0F2
Return to Agilent with Loaner 2 yr
Agilent Life Sciences SYS-RS-RESLV-0F3
Return to Agilent with Loaner 3 yr
Agilent Life Sciences SYS-RS-RESLV-0F5
Return to Agilent with Loaner 5 yr
Agilent Life Sciences SYS-RS-RESLV-0F1
Return to Agilent with Loaner 1 yr
Agilent Life Sciences SYS-RS-RESLV-0F4
Return to Agilent with Loaner 4 yr
Agilent Life Sciences SYS-BI-2100-F-0L2
CrossLab Prev Maintenance - 2yrs total
Agilent Life Sciences SYS-LM-6575-X-2F3
CrossLab Bronze Germany Govt/Acad - 3yr
Agilent Life Sciences SYS-LM-6575-X-2F5
CrossLab Bronze Germany Govt/Acad - 5yr
Agilent Life Sciences SYS-LM-QQQ-2F4
CrossLab Bronze Germany Govt/Acad - 4yr
Agilent Life Sciences SYS-LM-QQQ-E-2F3
Agilent Life Sciences SYS-LM-QQQ-E-2F4
Agilent Life Sciences SYS-LM-QQQ-X-2F3
Agilent Life Sciences SYS-LM-QQQ-X-2F4
Agilent Life Sciences SYS-LM-QTOF-2F4
Agilent Life Sciences SYS-LM-QTOF-E-2F4
Agilent Life Sciences SYS-LM-QUAD-2F5
Agilent Life Sciences SYS-LM-QUAD-E-2F3
Agilent Life Sciences SYS-IO-5800-M-2F4
Agilent Life Sciences SYS-IO-5100-2F5